Top 10 OSHA Violations– don’t let it be you! (Tue Tip)

dancing woman in safety vest
Photo: Dancing for Workplace Safety

by Washington State DOT via Flickr/Creative Commons license

OSHA has published the top safety violations for 2010.  There are two categories:  (1) the top 10 standards for which OSHA most frequently gave Citations in fiscal year 2010; and (2)the top 10 standards for which OSHA assessed the highest penalties in fiscal year 2010.  

The most frequent violations are:

  1. Scaffolding
  2. Fall protection
  3. Hazard communication
  4. Ladders
  5. Respiratory protection
  6. Control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout)
  7. Electrical, wiring methods, components and equipment
  8. Powered industrial trucks
  9. Electrical systems design
  10. Machine guarding


The most expensive violations are:

  1. Fall protection
  2. Electrical
  3. Safety training and education
  4. Control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout)
  5. Machines
  6. General duty clause 
  7. Excavations
  8. Lead
  9. Grain handling facilities
  10. Ladders


Detail about the specific regulations which were violated, the OSHA requirements in these areas, and related materials can be found here on the OSHA website.  (Hat tip to NC Construction News for alerting me to OSHA’s list). 

OSHA violations can be costly– both in money, and in safety.  Don’t gamble with either!

Now it’s your turn:  Do you have an experience with OSHA violations that you think others should learn from?  Let me know in the comments below or email me at [email protected].

3 thoughts on “Top 10 OSHA Violations– don’t let it be you! (Tue Tip)

  1. Jeff Jones says:

    Number 1 is keep a safe enviroment. All of the time, there is no justification to not keeping a clean work enviroment and taking that short cut. Take a few moments to organize your work site, keep excess cords and hoses away from your work area. It amazes me that my workers will grab a 100 foot cord to work 20 feet from the eletrical outlets. And where is the excess cords? Under their feet. My Dad aways said that if he ever had to jump from a plane, he wanted an extension cord. Its garrenteed to snag on something before you ever get close to the ground. 2000 square feet of house, theres no reason to have the excess cord under your feet.

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