Long time readers may know that my blood runs Carolina Blue. As a double Tar Heel and a Chapel Hill resident, I’ve seen the Old Well, the symbolic center/emblem of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for many years.

The Old Well, before the renovation, (c) Kelly.arch3, CC by SA 4.0 via Wikimedia
Today, she’s sporting a new look: an ADA accessible look. UNC reported yesterday that it has completed its project to make the Old Well accessible to those in wheel chairs through a ramp project that has been artfully integrated into the area.
The adaption looks like it was always part of the original plan, and, far from being an eye sore, looks pretty spiffy.
Read about the renovation and see the new Old Well (an oxymoron?) and see the construction and finished project by clicking here.
Thoughts on the design? Do you agree or disagree that it looks intentional and not out of place? Share below in the comments, or drop me a note.