wind turbine

NC Green Contractors & Professionals Directory (Tue Tip)

wind turbineUpdate 3/9/2017: The NC Solar Center is now the NC Clean Energy Technology Center.  When last visited, the Professional Directory was no longer active.

Considering a Renewable Energy project?  Professional who specializes in green construction?  Either way, check out the North Carolina Green Professional Directory, published (with disclaimers) by the NC Solar Center.  The directory is searchable by professional type, by green technology, and by location, and professionals who qualify can apply to be added to the directory.


Photo from NC Solar Center

Greening the Cities- free webinar

Interested in how to “Green” our Cities?  Attend a free web seminar to learn from top experts.  Entitled “Retrofitting Cities: How to “Green” the Cities We’ve Got”, the live webinar will be held this Monday, November 22nd at 1pm ET.  (Event free but registration required).

The webinar is hosted by the Sustainable Cities Collective, and it is presenting the discussion “to explore the ideas that could make retrofitting the low-hanging fruit of urban re-engineering,” including:

  • Transit networks and mobility hubs
  • Improving energy use in buildings
  • Bike infrastructure, bike-sharing, and more
  • Efficient electric grids
  • Small-scale solar power and other alternative energy sources
  • Funding: Where will the money come from? Can solutions like public-private partnerships help fill the gap?

(hat tip to Chris Cheatham, Green Building Law Update blogger and seminar speaker, who alerted me to the webinar)

Contractor working in neighboring state? Read these blogs! (Tues Tip)

glassesWant more construction law?  Want to read about case and statutory developments in other southeastern states?

If you work in one of North Carolina’s neighboring states, check out the Blogroll  for blogs written specifically by construction attorneys practicing in Virginia (Chris Hill & Tim Hughes), South Carolina (Clay Olson), and Tennessee (Matt DeVries).

While you’re there, check out all of the other fine bloggers too.  There is a lot of good information being volunteered by folks across the nation to help you as you encounter legal issues in your construction business.

Am I missing somebody that I should include on the blogroll?  If so, let me know!


Photo “366 * 139 * Taking off my glasses” by Pragmagraphr via Flickr/Creative Commons License.


Two more Construction Marketing Seminars (Tue. Tip)

In this still weak economy, marketing is at the top of everyone’s mind.  Another web-based seminar related to Construction Marketing is coming up that aims to assist construction professionals in their marketing efforts.  Entitled “Measuring Marketing Results Best Practices for Construction,” the webinar is hosted by the Construction Marketing Association (CMA).

CMA logo

According to CMA, the webinar will address:  1) traditional methods of measuring marketing results, 2) the use of internet-based measures, and 3) new tools for social media monitoring

The webinar is scheduled for Monday, November 15th at 1pm Eastern Time.   Preregistration is required.


Also next week, a second (reprisal) of Mike Jeffries’ “Profit from Your Most Important Brand- You” will be held.  The seminar is scheduled for Thursday, November 18th at 5pm Eastern.   Preregistration is also required for this seminar.


As always, if you attend either or both seminars, please share what you learned and if the seminar(s) you attended were worthwhile to your construction practice.


Photo:  CMA Logo